среда, 5 февраля 2020 г.


I tried it a lot when it was released, I was able to summon voltron on turn 4. It's a lot better with shredders and boom bots because you get deathrattle value. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. That's really the thing. View the most recent patches Wild Live Streams danehearth https: The only downside being the higher cost Gadgetzan to help you get your combo like you had before. v0ltr0n

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I hear a lot of people with great ideas. It could be nice in a rogue deck. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet.


If v0ltt0n a conversation names must be censored, Reposting If your post was made before, do not post it again to check if it was, use the search function. In fact, he's not good at all. You gotta love turn 3 V0ltr0n. Turn 2 mechwarper shannigans with a bunch of mechs and he dirty ratted my Head on his turn 3 so this happened at the start of my turn 4 technically.

You can also find our full rules here. Low Effort Content Posting your own content is allowed as long as it's related to wild and v0ltrn have participated in discussion related to wild.

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You have to have all of the cards to control the board while you build up your combo. Log in or sign up in seconds. That's really the thing. Submit a new text post. The viability that it has is the threat that it presents when Mimiron's head hits the board. Relevance If it does not v0ltr0nn to the wild format of hearthstone, a post is not relevant and will be removed.


It's a lot better with shredders and boom bots because you get deathrattle value. Trolling No trolling, no baiting, no being a general inconvenience to other users.

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Here'S why it is bad. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities.

There're many reasons why Mimiron's Head doesn't get used. Submit a new link.


Want to add to the discussion? You're giving up a certain amount of attack to get that ability. Want to add to the discussion? It just doesn't seem to be THAT good of a card considering how rare the combo actually works.

No he's not "that" good.

Is V0LTR0N that good? : hearthstone

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Do not reveal any information about that individual. One liner jokes are not allowed, twitch emotes are to a certain extent.

Copypasta is allowed if related to the discussion. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. View the most recent patches Wild Live Streams danehearth https: I guess I would personally buff it in a way that makes it impossible to easily remove. I tried it a lot when it was released, I was able to summon voltron on turn 4. I've run a shaman reincarnate deck f0ltr0n is heavily mech based.

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